Saturday, September 20, 2008

Great Week-Relaxing for the Weekend

Hey everybody!All is good. The institute students are here and we have had an awesome first week. Chad just got back from a camping trip with them that topped off a full week of God's Word, fun activities, and laying out the vision for the year. Cat and the kids stayed back this time but Ellen Jernigan our baby sitter came up to hang out. Isaac is really starting to eat a lot of "big people" food and we are transitioning him that way before Cat and my big trip to Arizona. This should be another good week. Chad is getting trained this Saturday in a new program through Focus on the Family called the Truth Project. This is an apologetics resource to utilize in classroom and smallgroup settings. Something up dads alley I am sure. Sure miss everyone and pray for you often.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Nothing makes a mommy and daddy prouder then when their kid begins to learn about Jesus, not because she was told to, but she wanted to learn it by her self. I can't think of anythin that would bring us more joy!

Mylee's First Stage Performance

Saturday, September 13, 2008

House of Hampsch begins

Hey friends and family,
We're starting a blog! We thought it would be easier to keep everyone up to date on what is going on with our family this way. We'll try to be good about posting pictures of the kids, letting you know of anything happening with us, and keeping in touch better. It will hopefully get better as we learn how to do the blogging thing :)