How does this always happen? My great intentions of keeping up with our blog bring me to 3 1/2 months down the road having no idea where to start. There are SO many things I want to share and write about, but I'm afraid that's why I haven't sat down to do it in the first place...there isn't enough time to cover it all. So, I think instead of trying to recap our entire summer at kamp, Mylee's trip to see Dora Live in St. Louis, the 4th of July, week at kamp with Grammy and Papa, post kamp trip to St.Louis (including the Magic house and Cardinal game), our trip to Disney World with Mylee (you can see all the pictures on facebook), the start of the Institute year, Isaac's many words and big personality, Mylee's new found love of drawing/coloring/art, and much more, I will start with the most recent milestone in our lives and go from there. What is that milestone, you may be wondering? It started on September 1st with Mylee's first day of preschool.
We have a preschooler! I know it's not as big a monument compared to what lies ahead, but for us and our 3 1/2 year old, it was and is a big deal! Mylee says it well as she looks at pictures of herself from the past couple of years, "Mom, how did I get so big?" I wish I could answer that question because I have no idea how time goes by so quickly. Mylee was nervous the first day and I think I might have been even more nervous. I really felt like it was my first day of school again. She was ready, though, and the past month has been great for her. She is learning about other people, making friends, and enjoying her time in preschool. Every Tuesday and Thursday as we drop her off Isaac says, "Isaac. Preschool." He's ready to start too, but I know his time will be here in a rush as well. Right now I'm trying to take advantage of a couple mornings a week with him and hopefully he'll still want to go a couple of years down the road. Here are some pictures from the first day.