Monday, September 28, 2009
Back to Blogging!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Make new friends, but keep the old
Friday, June 12, 2009
A Backyard Zoo
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Cowboy boots....and tie dye!
A couple of days later was 80s day and most people went all out for this one. The day was topped off with a roller skating party and Mylee had her first experience on skates. She looked great in her tie dye shirt! The evening was going to be a little late for Isaac so he and I and our dear friends Jenni, Zoey and Ruby stayed behind and went and got ice cream instead. Not much beats 2 little ones with ice cream cones!
Mylee and Lauren getting ready to out skate world!
Isaac and Zoey working on their cones
Ice cream is the best!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Congratulations, Brian!
My sister's husband, Brian, graduated from Southwest Baptist University a couple of weeks ago. I made the day trip to Bolivar and felt a little old as I counted the number of years ago it was that I graduated from SBU. It was fun to go back and find a favorite teacher, see a friend unexpectedly, and be with family for the day. Congraulations, Brian on a great achievement!
A Hair Raising Experience!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Roadtrip to Nashville
Monday, April 20, 2009
Catch up
There are so many times as parents that Chad and I wonder if we are doing anything right and if our kids are taking to heart any of the values we desire to teach them. We had a sweet moment with Mylee a few weeks ago during a "family night". Her favorite thing is for us to create a scavenger hunt for her so we were in the midst of one and she got a clue that led her to find a blessing bank. The blessing bank was created by one of our dear friend's sister-in-law and the purpose is to teach your kids how to give a portion of money they may recieve towards tithing or giving to others. We explained to Mylee that our friend who had given us this bank is going to Africa to help people and tell them about Jesus this summer. She immediately went to her wallet (which held $5 she had been saving for a toy she wanted) and said she wanted to give all of it to our friend to take to Africa. I told her she could just give her "church" money from her allowance, but she insisted on giving all of her spending money as well. Chad and I sat there with tears in our eyes as we were once again taught by our daughter. How often have I given everything I have to help someone in need? I probably haven't modeled that very often, so I was also reminded that her generosity had nothing to do with anything I had or hadn't done as a was just a pure loving little heart with the ability to understood at 3 years old that people are more important than things. Little does she know how her blessing bank has blessed us.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Ear Tubes
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Winter Fun
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Long Overdue!
Well, this happened almost 3 months ago, but still wanted to show off Isaac's first steps across the living room. We were having "family dinner" with about 10 people at our house. After dinner we were sitting around the living room and he decided it was time to walk. The greatest part was his recline in his victory chair after he was done. Now he is a pro at walking and has probably fallen more times in 3 months of walking than Mylee has in her 3 years. The differences between boys and girls continue to amaze us. :)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
In a Moment's Time
I went to sleep that night after talking to my Dad around midnight thinking she was out of surgery and everything was OK. The next day my Dad told me that she had gone into respiratory distress and for awhile the doctors weren't sure if she was going to make it. How could that happen? Had my Mom really almost died? Could a quick phone call from the ER really have been the last time to talk to her? Praise the Lord it wasn't. The next time I did talk to my Mom the tears came as the reality of what she had been through hit me. It's a good dose of perspective when something like this happens. I have to think about our relationship, if I had lost her, what would I have done differently? What would I want her to know? I never expect anything to happen to my parents. I still have 3 of my 4 grandparents, so why would I worry about my parents? The Lord has reminded me to make the most of every moment and opportunity with my Mom, and with other people as well. I am thankful that He brought her through because in a moment's time, everything could have been different.
She is doing better now after another week in the hospital from an infection. She has a long recovery ahead of her, but hopefully the worst is behind.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Long time, no blog!