Thursday, February 19, 2009

In a Moment's Time

Well, a lot has happened in the last few weeks-my excuse for not updating the blog sooner. On January 23rd my mom called to tell me that she was in the emergency room, but it wasn't a big deal (I didn't believe that). She had been feeling sick the whole week and the doctors were suspecting appendicitis. That turned out to be true, and a few hours later she was taken into surgery. When the doctors went in and touched the appendix it ruptured, resulting in a huge incision, taking part of her colon, and a long recovery ahead.
I went to sleep that night after talking to my Dad around midnight thinking she was out of surgery and everything was OK. The next day my Dad told me that she had gone into respiratory distress and for awhile the doctors weren't sure if she was going to make it. How could that happen? Had my Mom really almost died? Could a quick phone call from the ER really have been the last time to talk to her? Praise the Lord it wasn't. The next time I did talk to my Mom the tears came as the reality of what she had been through hit me. It's a good dose of perspective when something like this happens. I have to think about our relationship, if I had lost her, what would I have done differently? What would I want her to know? I never expect anything to happen to my parents. I still have 3 of my 4 grandparents, so why would I worry about my parents? The Lord has reminded me to make the most of every moment and opportunity with my Mom, and with other people as well. I am thankful that He brought her through because in a moment's time, everything could have been different.
She is doing better now after another week in the hospital from an infection. She has a long recovery ahead of her, but hopefully the worst is behind.

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